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Legal notice


The "Schweizerische Anlegerschutzverein (SASV)" ("Swiss Investor Protection Association") does not guarantee that the information on this website is correct or up-to-date. Only the official printed versions of the relevant documents, namely the Articles of Association, are binding.



Links to other websites in no way imply that the "Schweizerische Anlegerschutzverein (SASV)" ("Swiss Investor Protection Association")  represents or is responsible for the information contained therein. The responsibility for third-party websites lies exclusively with the respective authors.



The copyright for the statutes of the "Schweizerische Anlegerschutzverein (SASV)" ("Swiss Investor Protection Association")  is held by the association. Any reproduction and further distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited. However, third parties are expressly permitted to store unchanged copies and their transfer into other technical formats in search engines, provided that these are accessible to everyone free of charge.

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